Success Stories
For 30 years, IISD has worked to fulfill a bold commitment to the world: advancing development that balances economic, social and environmental priorities. Here are some ways we make an impact.
Fueling Change: The journey to end fossil fuel subsidies in Canada
How Canada became the first country in the world to introduce a framework for ending government subsidies to domestic oil and gas companies.
Un accord mondial pour lutter contre les subventions préjudiciables à la pêche : un regard dans les coulisses
En juin 2022, les membres de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce ont conclu un accord historique portant sur les subventions préjudiciables à la pêche. Nous expliquons comment une campagne mondiale menée par des organisations non gouvernementales environnementales ainsi que des conseils politiques techniques et juridiques prodigués par des experts du commerce à Genève ont permis de faire la différence.
Envisioning Resilience: Bringing underrepresented women's voices into planning for climate change adaptation
Meaningful participation by women who are on the front lines of climate change is essential for gender-responsive, locally led adaptation. However, in many contexts, women remain underrepresented in decision making, from local to national levels.