Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) An assessment methodology that helps governments and investors steer capital towards sustainable infrastructure. Mon, 22 May 2023 20:50:04 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) 32 32 Valuing Sustainable Transport Mon, 22 May 2023 20:43:52 +0000 Our new Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) report analyzes the added economic, social, and environmental benefits and avoided costs of a new non-motorized transport (NMT) network in Coimbatore, India.

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Our new Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) report analyzes the added economic, social, and environmental benefits and avoided costs of a new non-motorized transport (NMT) network in Coimbatore, India.

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Sustainable Transport Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:18:52 +0000 This paper was first published on the MDPI website. Reference: Bassi, A.M.; Pallaske, G.; Niño, N.; Casier, L. Does Sustainable Transport Deliver Societal Value? Exploring Concepts, Methods, and Impacts with Case Studies. Future Transp. 2022, 2, 115-134.

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This paper was first published on the MDPI website.


Bassi, A.M.; Pallaske, G.; Niño, N.; Casier, L. Does Sustainable Transport Deliver Societal Value? Exploring Concepts, Methods, and Impacts with Case Studies. Future Transp. 2022, 2, 115-134.

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Including Climate Risk in Urban Infrastructure Planning | The case of Johannesburg Thu, 06 May 2021 16:46:15 +0000 The Development Planning Department of the City of Johannesburg, together with IISD, worked on assessing climate impacts on urban development in the Paterson Park Precinct to illustrate the importance of including climate risk in infrastructure planning and financing strategies.

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Johannesburg is South Africa’s fastest-growing and most densely populated city, but it has been coping with severe climate change risks, including flooding and acute heat, in the past years.

The Development Planning Department of the City of Johannesburg, together with IISD, worked on assessing climate impacts on urban development in the Paterson Park Precinct to illustrate the importance of including climate risk in infrastructure planning and financing strategies.

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Comment une commune belge utilise l’agroforesterie pour renforcer sa résilience aux changements climatiques Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:29:50 +0000 Welkenraedt met de l’avant l'agroforesterie dans le cadre de sa stratégie d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. L'agroforesterie est un type d’infrastructure basée sur la nature qui a pour effet de maintenir et de restaurer la productivité des sols, de lutter contre l'érosion, de maintenir une qualité d'eau élevée et de renforcer la résilience aux changements climatiques.

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Welkenraedt met de l’avant l’agroforesterie dans le cadre de sa stratégie d’adaptation aux changements climatiques. L’agroforesterie est un type d’infrastructure basée sur la nature qui a pour effet de maintenir et de restaurer la productivité des sols, de lutter contre l’érosion, de maintenir une qualité d’eau élevée et de renforcer la résilience aux changements climatiques.

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How a Belgian municipality is using agroforestry as a solution for climate resilience Mon, 26 Apr 2021 15:20:37 +0000 Welkenraedt is promoting agroforestry as part of its climate adaptation strategy. Agroforestry is a nature-based infrastructure that aims to maintain and restore soil productivity, combat erosion, maintain high water quality, and strengthen the climate resilience of the area.

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Welkenraedt is promoting agroforestry as part of its climate adaptation strategy. Agroforestry is a nature-based infrastructure that aims to maintain and restore soil productivity, combat erosion, maintain high water quality, and strengthen the climate resilience of the area.

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Restauration de forêt de mangrove, un exemple de développement d’infrastructures durables: Experience from the Saloum Delta, Senegal Fri, 05 Feb 2021 18:47:24 +0000 Le delta du Saloum au Sénégal est un écosystème tropical de mangrove, riche en biodiversité, qui fournit des moyens de subsistance à plus de 100 000 habitants. Il est formé de grandes surfaces d'eau, de mangroves, de végétation d'eau salée et de forêts. Le delta offre de multiples services aux communautés locales ainsi qu'un riche habitat pour les espèces. Depuis 2011, une partie du delta a été désignée comme site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.

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Le delta du Saloum au Sénégal est un écosystème tropical de mangrove, riche en biodiversité, qui fournit des moyens de subsistance à plus de 100 000 habitants. Il est formé de grandes surfaces d’eau, de mangroves, de végétation d’eau salée et de forêts. Le delta offre de multiples services aux communautés locales ainsi qu’un riche habitat pour les espèces. Depuis 2011, une partie du delta a été désignée comme site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.

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Përse Shqipëria duhet të heqë dorë nga hidroenergjia dhe të ruajë lumin e fundit me rrjedhje të lirë në Evropë Thu, 28 Jan 2021 19:57:30 +0000 Hidroenergjia ka qenë një ndër burimet më të bollshme dhe të shfrytëzueshme për mbi 100 vjet, por kostot dhe përfitimet e saj të vërteta mbeten të pashqyrtuara duke penguar vendimmarrjen e bazuar në informacion të duhur.

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Hidroenergjia ka qenë një ndër burimet më të bollshme dhe të shfrytëzueshme për mbi 100 vjet, por kostot dhe përfitimet e saj të vërteta mbeten të pashqyrtuara duke penguar vendimmarrjen e bazuar në informacion të duhur.

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Why Albania Should Shift Away From Hydropower and Preserve the Last Free-Flowing River in Europe Thu, 10 Dec 2020 23:01:19 +0000 As part of the effort to advance our understanding of the real costs and benefits of hydropower, IISD, in collaboration with the MAVA Foundation, undertook a Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) for two hydropower projects that are currently planned along the Vjosa River in Albania. The objective of the study was to investigate and calculate the value of environmental, social, and economic externalities caused by these two projects and analyze how these would affect their net economic value overall.

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As part of the effort to advance our understanding of the real costs and benefits of hydropower, IISD, in collaboration with the MAVA Foundation, undertook a Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) for two hydropower projects that are currently planned along the Vjosa River in Albania. The objective of the study was to investigate and calculate the value of environmental, social, and economic externalities caused by these two projects and analyze how these would affect their net economic value overall.

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Restoring a Mangrove Forest as Sustainable Infrastructure Development: Experience from the Saloum Delta, Senegal Mon, 23 Nov 2020 21:12:35 +0000 The Saloum Delta represents natural capital that can be harnessed for a host of long-term gains. The rich ecosystem and the unique biodiversity offer a wide array of ecosystem services that can generate sustainable patterns of development. The Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of the Saloum Delta published in June 2020 provides an integrated assessment of the contribution of the Delta to sustainable development.

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The Saloum Delta in Senegal is a tropical mangrove ecosystem, rich in biodiversity, that provides livelihoods for more than 100,000 inhabitants. It consists of large surfaces of water, mangroves, saltwater vegetation, and forests. The Delta offers multiple services to local communities as well as a rich habitat for species. Since 2011, part of the Delta has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Unfortunately, this ecosystem is currently under pressure due to climate change and the unsustainable use of the mangrove forests. This has led to coastal erosion and salination issues that threaten local livelihoods and regional development. If nothing is done, the degradation of the Delta will jeopardize the economic, social, and environmental viability of the region.

The Saloum Delta represents natural capital that can be harnessed for a host of long-term gains. The rich ecosystem and the unique biodiversity offer a wide array of ecosystem services that can generate sustainable patterns of development.

The Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) of the Saloum Delta published in June 2020 provides an integrated assessment of the contribution of the Delta to sustainable development. The report, along with a related brochure, is available in English and French.

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Survey on Systemic Approaches and Simulation for Nature-Based Infrastructure Mon, 19 Oct 2020 12:52:53 +0000 Thank you to everyone who joined us in early October for our virtual stakeholder consultations on systemic approaches and simulation for nature-based infrastructure (NBI). Your input is invaluable for this work and we are grateful for your time and thoughtful contributions. As the next stage in our process, we have now launched a new survey to collect further feedback. This five-minute survey will... Read more »

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Thank you to everyone who joined us in early October for our virtual stakeholder consultations on systemic approaches and simulation for nature-based infrastructure (NBI). Your input is invaluable for this work and we are grateful for your time and thoughtful contributions.

As the next stage in our process, we have now launched a new survey to collect further feedback. This five-minute survey will seek to better understand the barriers to scaling up nature-based infrastructure and conducting financial valuation of these assets. It will also be invaluable for us to learn how best to respond to these challenges as we set up our new NBI Resource Centre.

This work is part of IISD’s new partnership with the Global Environment Facility (GEF),  the MAVA Foundation, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on systemic approaches and simulation for nature-based infrastructure. 

This landmark collaboration will promote the use of systems thinking, system dynamics simulation, and project finance modelling, the core pillars of the SAVi methodology, to plan and prepare nature-based infrastructure (NBI) projects.   

We look forward to receiving your survey inputs and will make sure to treat your contributions with the care and attention they deserve. All survey inputs will be fully anonymous unless you designate otherwise. 

Take the survey now and learn more about our NBI work.

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New B Capital-IISD Study: Quantifying and valuing ESG factors highlights profitability, societal benefits and climate resilience of onshore wind portfolio in Germany Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:44:00 +0000 New analysis by B Capital Partners AG (B Capital) and IISD, supported by the MAVA Foundation, has found that B Capital’s onshore wind portfolio in Germany yield greater profitability and more benefits to society than a comparable gas-fired power plant. These findings were the result of applying IISD’s Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi),which involves assessing how... Read more »

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New analysis by B Capital Partners AG (B Capital) and IISD, supported by the MAVA Foundation, has found that B Capital’s onshore wind portfolio in Germany yield greater profitability and more benefits to society than a comparable gas-fired power plant.

These findings were the result of applying IISD’s Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi),which involves assessing how an infrastructure asset will perform if environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are incorporated in the asset valuation.

These types of assessments allow for greater transparency on how an asset will affect the environment, as well as society, through the incorporation of ESG risks and co-benefits. Indeed, ESG factors are often not well integrated into traditional financial valuations, meaning that investors may not be aware of important risks that may affect the financial performance of their assets, neither about the adverse impacts their investment decisions may mean for society.

The SAVi methodology also ensures that investors and other key stakeholders have a comprehensive view on “sustainability adjusted” internal rate of returns (IRRs), while being clear on the asset’s financial resilience when faced with climate change risks.

In the B Capital assessment, the SAVi methodology allowed for incorporating two climate change risks that could have significant impacts on energy generating assets, namely an increase in air temperature and the introduction of a carbon tax. These were integrated into the SAVi assessment, which combines system dynamics modelling and financial analysis to calculate key financial performance indicators under various scenarios.

The SAVi assessment found that these two climate change risks do not affect the financial performance of the onshore wind portfolio, but would have harmful financial implications for a gas-fired power plant with the same power generation capacity. This means that the onshore wind portfolios would be the more climate-resilient investment choice.

Meanwhile when accounting for environmental, social, and economic costs and benefits, the “sustainability-adjusted” IRR of the same onshore wind portfolio decreases. Yet this performance indicator would be negative in the case of the fossil fuel-based asset – again demonstrating that the wind portfolio is the more beneficial investment choice, as well as the energy option that is less costly to society.

Visit the SAVi project page on this assessment.

About B Capital Partners

B Capital Partners AG is a partner-owned investment house, established in 2003 in Zurich. B Capital exclusively focuses on core sustainable infrastructure. Since 2010, it has invested and advised capital in excess of EUR 2.6bn across Europe. B Capital’s goal is to select superior infrastructure assets its our clients, while adhering to the highest corporate ethic as well as to state-of-the-art ESG standards. B Capital is a signatory to UNPRI and a member of GRESB.


Catherine Evers Media Relations Manager – tel. + 41 010 2401804 – mob. + 41 44 532 38 11 – email:

About International Institute for Sustainable Development

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an independent think tank championing sustainable solutions to 21st–century problems. Their mission is to promote human development and environmental sustainability. They do this through research, analysis and knowledge products that support sound policymaking. Its team on infrastructure finance and procurement, part of IISD’s Economic Law and Policy program, is the founder of the SAVi methodology, working with KnowlEdge and with the generous support of the MAVA Foundation. IISD is registered as a charitable organization in Canada and has 501(c)(3) status in the United States. IISD receives core operating support from the Province of Manitoba and project funding from numerous governments inside and outside Canada, United Nations agencies, foundations, the private sector and individuals.


About MAVA Foundation

The MAVA Foundation was established in 1994 and is a family-led, Swiss-based philanthropic foundation with offices in Switzerland and Senegal.

They work towards securing a future where biodiversity flourishes, especially in the Mediterranean, West Africa and Switzerland; the global economy supports human prosperity and a healthy planet; and the conservation community is thriving.

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Call for Evidence: Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services along the Kagera River, Northern Tanzania Fri, 14 Aug 2020 07:30:23 +0000 Closing date: 30 September 2020 The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) will apply and customize the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology for quantifying and valuing natural capital provided by the Kagera River and the surrounding ecosystems in northern Tanzania. We will pay particular attention to how natural... Read more »

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Closing date: 30 September 2020

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) will apply and customize the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology for quantifying and valuing natural capital provided by the Kagera River and the surrounding ecosystems in northern Tanzania. We will pay particular attention to how natural capital can be affected by hydropower developments. For this purpose, we are seeking baseline data and studies on natural capital/ecosystem services/biodiversity value along and derived from that section of the Kagera River. 


The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and KnowlEdge (KE) are collaborating with the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), one of the six thematic information services provided by the EU’S Copernicus Earth Observation Programme, to integrate world-class data on climate into the Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi) methodology.

One of the pilot applications in Northern Tanzania (see map, Figure 1) is being conducted jointly with the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP). This SAVi application will assess:

  1. How the development of hydropower and electricity transmission infrastructure in northern Tanzania, planned alongside the Kagera River, could impact or ideally enhance natural capital and ecosystem services delivered by the river and its surrounding ecosystem,
  2. How the Kagera River and its ecosystems will be affected by climate change in the years to come.

Visit the SAVi website for more information:

Data required

As we are aiming to value natural capital, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, we now seek information on the following:

  • Biodiversity data, including endangered species (in northern Tanzania and border region with Uganda).
  • Evidence on the prevailing state (baseline data) of natural capital, biodiversity, and ecosystem services derived from the Kagera River and its path in northern Tanzania and the final section in Uganda where the river finally flows into Lake Victoria.
  • Studies and projections on ecosystem services deterioration due to hydropower plants and transmission infrastructure in the area and the resulting adverse effects on ecosystem-dependent human activities, such as agriculture and irrigation, fishing, potential land-use conflicts, etc. Both the impacts during the construction and during the operation of hydropower projects and transmission infrastructure are relevant for our assessment.
  • Impacts on natural capital and ecosystem services caused by constructing and operating other energy infrastructure, including diesel generators, solar PV, and onshore wind.

All information and data shared with us will be acknowledged and academically referenced.

Text Box: All information and data shared with us will be acknowledged and academically referenced.
Figure 1: Kagera River. Location of interest in northern Tanzania framed in red.
Source: Openstreetmap,

Submission of information and data

Please send the information and data via email to Laurin Wuennenberg, IISD:

About IISD and GGKP

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is an independent think tank championing solutions to our planet’s greatest sustainability challenges. With our Sustainable Asset Valuation (SAVi), we calculate the costs of environmental, social, and economic risks and externalities and demonstrate how these costs affect the financial performance of infrastructure assets. The SAVi assessment at hand also integrates climate data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store.

The Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) is a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green economy. The GGKP, with support from the  MAVA Foundation and the GGKP Natural Capital Expert Group, is facilitating this assessment to demonstrate the value of the natural capital approach to infrastructure finance and green growth.

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