From Promise to Practice: Unpacking Canada’s Sustainable Jobs Act and its impact on a just transition
Canada has started acting on its international commitments to ensure a just transition for workers and communities as we move away from oil and gas. The government recently introduced the Sustainable Jobs Act and the Sustainable Jobs Interim Strategy, along with initial funding commitments. Does this draft legislation meet the needs of workers and communities, or could it be strengthened to do so? What are the next steps forward for a just transition in Canada? In this webinar, labour, Indigenous, and environmental experts share their analysis of the federal sustainable jobs legislation and key amendments, their assessments of the government’s progress to date, and their visions of the path forward.
The webinar comes at a critical time, as the legislation will move through committee hearings this fall, with opportunities for amendments. The session includes short presentations from each speaker, followed by a moderated Q&A.
Welcomes and Introduction
Laura Cameron, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Speaker Presentations
Ken Bondy, National Representative, Health, Safety, and Environment, Unifor
Cara Sanders, Board of Directors Chair, Indigenous Clean Energy
Megan Gordon, Senior Analyst, Pembina
Matt Hulse, Lawyer, Ecojustice
Closing Comments
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2024 Investment Policy Forum
The 16th edition of the International Institute for Sustainable Development's (IISD) Investment Policy Forum will be held in Manila, the Philippines, in October 2024.
Trade and Sustainability Hub 2024
Alongside the Thirteenth WTO Ministerial Conference (MC13) we will be running our Trade + Sustainability Hub, bringing together thought leaders from both within and outside governments for a series of conversations on the challenges of building cooperative trade policy that delivers for sustainable development.
Advancing Natural Infrastructure 2024 Forum
A premier event to discuss natural infrastructure on the Canadian prairies and shape the future of prairie water infrastructure by working with nature
IISD at Procura+
Public procurement can play a key role in strategic governance, ensuring service delivery that achieves value for money and generates benefits not only for organizations, but also for the environment, society and the economy. IISD's Procurement team will present key research on green public procurement.