IISD publishes objective, independent, high-quality research—this includes reports, briefs, guides, and other materials covering sustainable development themes.
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Showing 61-70 of 2316 results
Border Carbon Adjustments: Priorities for international cooperation
This IISD policy brief looks into border carbon adjustment design elements that are priorities for international cooperation, as well as the possible venues, formats, and shapes that such a discussion might take.
Fanning the Flames: G20 provides record financial support for fossil fuels
This digital story provides the latest evidence regarding the G20's progress in aligning public financial flows with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Promoting the Application of the Association for Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Guidelines for Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry
This handbook provides ASEAN parliamentarians with practical guidance on the actions they can take to support the application of the ASEAN RAI.
What Can Indonesia Learn from South Africa's Experience of the Just Energy Transition Process?
To inform the Indonesian JETP process IISD presents a summary of lessons learned from the experience of the first year of the South African JETP process.
Financing a 1.5˚C-Aligned Transition
This briefing aims to inform financial institutions on how to align their investments and energy decision making with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The History of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)
How did the IGF emerge as the global forum for more than 80 member countries advancing good mining governance for sustainable development?
Rethinking National Investment Laws
Explore the evolution of national investment laws in our comprehensive report. It analyzes 70 laws, identifies their seven main functions, and explores how they've been shaped by policy objectives and international standards. Gain insights into reforming these laws to meet today's challenges. A must-read for policy-makers in sustainable investment governance.
Enhancing Biodiversity Co-Benefits From Nature-Based Solutions
This technical report provides a set of recommendations to help plan, design, and implement nature-based solutions (NbS) for adaptation that enhance biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.
Watts in Store
This report explores how energy storage can help the South African power crisis and why grid-located batteries emerge as a strategic priority.
Global Market Report: Palm oil prices and sustainability
This report unpacks market trends in the palm oil sector and examines the role of sustainability standards in ensuring farmers receive fair incomes and adopt sustainable practices.