Paul Blanchfield
Research Fellow
Dr. Paul Blanchfield is an aquatic ecologist who studies how humans are influencing ecosystems. His research primarily examines the response of fishes to changing ecosystem structure and function. Dr. Blanchfield was a researcher at the Experimental Lakes Area for many years, where he was a key member of various whole-ecosystem studies that examined how fishes respond to anthropogenic stressors, such as contaminant exposure (EDC’s and mercury), physical habitat disruption, freshwater aquaculture production, and a changing climate.
Dr. Blanchfield has published and presented widely in the field of freshwater ecology. In addition to his extensive experience at IISD-ELA, he has led research programs in the Canadian North, Laurentian Great Lakes and elsewhere. Dr. Blanchfield is a Research Scientist with Fisheries & Oceans Canada, based at the Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg. More recently, his research has focused on the eastern Arctic, where he is responsible for providing scientific advice on Atlantic walrus stocks. Dr. Blanchfield is an adjunct professor at several Canadian universities. He, along with his graduate students, continues to collaborate on whole-ecosystem research at IISD-ELA.